We all want it. We set our goals. We have our dreams. And then we try to fill the gap by pouring in motivation.
But of course, it isn't as easy as one might think. Being motivated can be hard. So ultimately, you've got to make sure you're doing it right!
So here I will highlight the 7 motivation killers that are dragging you down. This should help you weed out the things that have been leaching on your motivation all this time.
What May Be Killing Your Motivation
1. People who put you down
Straight up. Avoid these people. They're simply insecure to the point that they've to take it out on the world as they're afraid of other people's success.
Eliminate these people in your life and create a healthy environment for yourself.
2. Negative news
It's a sad thing that most of the news we read today are just bad or sad. We've natural disasters, corrupted politicians and a random innocent victim who got robbed. It's a small wonder people lose their confidence or even get depressed.
Do yourself a favour and stay away from the news. You may be "wired" to be attracted to bad news or drama, but why upset yourself further by reading up on such things? You don't need a clear visual on what you already know is going on out there.
3. Friends who are way too comfortable
Sometimes, your close friends could be dragging you down. Sure, they're there for you and provide you a comfortable relationship.
But that could be the problem. Too much comfort may be holding you back as you feel you need not push yourself since everyone around you is the same.
Remember: comfort and stability is overrated. Find people from other walks of life who can motivate you.
4. The past
Whatever that happened has happened. The past and its people stays there. It does not exist.
Don't let time you've lived already lived through get you down. Stop thinking about it.
If anything, everything that was meant to happen was perfectly made to prepare you for the life you're meant to live. So be present.
5. The future
And conversely, the future can be a big motivation killer.
Some of us tend to think too much and over analyze everything. As such, our expectations get out of hand.
You can't ever predict the future. Even the most assured person in the world looks both ways when he crosses the road. So embrace uncertainty and just keep doing your best. The rest will take care of itself.
6. Thinking that trying is not enough
I personally disagree when people say something like, "Don't try. Just do."
First, it doesn't make sense because everything starts from trying.
And secondly, there's nothing wrong with trying. It's certainly better than when you don't at all.
So take it one step at a time. Try first, for failure only comes when you stop trying. Pretty soon, you'd have done many great things.
7. The chase
We often go awry when our eyes are on the prize, so much so we're blind to everything else.
Be it money, love, status or whatever, we need to realize that there's a fine line between having an aim and having an obsession. The latter is what a lot of us slide into.
Know this: Success doesn't bring happiness, but happiness always brings success.
Once in a while, remember to instead enjoy the process, have some fun and not take life so seriously.
What has been a major motivation killer for you? I'd love to hear about your experiences in the comment section below.
Alden Tan- Contributor
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
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