Saturday, 27 December 2014

7 Unexpected Ways to Add Years to Your Life

Try these surprising habits that could help you live longer.

1) Adopt a furry friend
Your four-legged companion may be helping you live a longer life, according to a review published in the journal Circulation. Researchers believe owning a dog might keep the owner more active and, as a result, lowers the risk of heart disease. 
"Dog owners are who walk their dogs are more likely to meet recommendations for daily physical activity (150 minutes weekly)," says Eric A. Goedereis, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at Webster University in St. Louis, MO. Owning a pet also reduces stress, which may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, he adds. 

2)Have a positive attitude
Think being mean and ornery is what it takes to live to 100? That's what scientists at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in the Bronx, New York thought until they studied 243 centenarians. When the researchers assessed their personalities, they discovered that most had a positive outlook on life, and were generally easygoing, optimistic, and full of laughter.Think being mean and ornery is what it takes to live to 100? That's what scientists at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in the Bronx, New York thought until they studied 243 centenarians. When the researchers assessed their personalities, they discovered that most had a positive outlook on life, and were generally easygoing, optimistic, and full of laughter.

3)Floss every day

Daily flossing not only gets rid of food trapped between your teeth but also removes the film of bacteria that forms before it has a chance to harden into plaque—something your toothbrush cannot do. Periodontal disease from lack of flossing can trigger low-grade inflammation, which increases the risk of early heart attack and stroke. Numerous studies link oral bacteria to cardiovascular disease. The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once a day.

4)Be social

Going to the movies or out for coffee with friends may help all of you grow old together. An analysis by Brigham Young University looked at data from 148 studies and found a clear connection between social ties and lifespan. "People with stronger social relationships have a 50% greater chance of continued living as compared to those with weaker relationships," says Lombardo. "Loneliness can also compromise your immune system, making it harder to fight off disease."

5)Go nuts

Snack on cashews, sprinkle chopped walnuts on your salad, stir almonds into your yogurt—however you eat them, it may be helpful. People who ate nuts several times a week had a reduced mortality risk compared with those who ate nuts less frequently (or at all), according to a 2013 study in a New England Journal of Medicine study. 

Nuts are high in antioxidants, fiber, and unsaturated fatty acids, and they help lower your risk of heart disease. "They are known to possibly improve certain risk factors for diabetes as well," says Keri Gans, RD, a New York-based nutrition consultant. As a healthy but high-calorie snack, limit portion sizes to 1 ounce, or about 20 nuts.

6)Start your mornings with coffee

Sipping a mug of coffee not only jumpstarts your day, but your longevity as well. Studies show coffee reduces the risk of a number of chronic diseases. "Drinking coffee may decrease your risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's disease," says Gans. Just go easy: too much caffeine can trigger anxiety and insomnia, or interfere with calcium absorption. And hold the whipped toppings—syrups and cream to avoid canceling out the health benefits.

7)See the glass as half full

An Illinois study found clear evidence that happy people experience better health and live longer than their unhappy peers. "Depression, pessimism, and stress predict shorter lifespans," says Lombardo. "These mental states tend to cause a stress reaction within the body, which can weaken the immune system. Happiness, on the other hand, tends to result in less stress hormones." Take time to experience gratitude every day. "It's one of the quickest and longest-lasting ways to boost happiness," she adds.

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